
Knolpower Logo Branding & Logo Explainer video

Designed by winterrfilms
Explainer video by winterrfilms

Knolpower is dutch biggest YouTube youth community and is one of the most recognisable brands here in The Netherlands. After a while Enzo got the idea to create an explainer video.

The goal
Creating an animated explainer video that speaks towards the Knolpower audience on how the logo was created so it increases brand awareness and builds stronger relationships with the community.

How we did it
We used Motion Graphic designs, a voice over and clean, to-the-point illustrations so the audience would understand. We kept the target audience in the back of our minds throughout the whole process.

The results (last updated on 13-02-23):

1451 Comments πŸ’¬
1.1M πŸ’œ

What the community said about this video?

Really nice and clean animation!


You really should make animations like this more often! They are very nice!

Sterre JoΓ«lle

This video is nicely edited! ❀️ Make more videos like this they are really sick! πŸ™πŸΌ

Paris Waldorf

lol never noticed that the K was also a hand.


The KP Brand is everywhere.

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is Knolpower-6-1024x576.jpg
Photos copyrighted to the rightful owners


Client: Knolpower
Scripting: Knolpower
Design: Animationvideos
Animation: Animationvideos
Photos copyrighted to the rightful owners

The 1:1 Diet Interactive Instagram Adventskalender

Client: The 1:1 Diet by CWP NL & BE
The company helps people all around the globe to reach their physical goals. To celebrate the community victories we came up with an interactive Instagram campaign to end the year with a bang! Since people absolutely πŸ’œ free stuff… Why not make it fun & interactive?

The goal
Increasing engagement by giving back to the community & building stronger relationships with them

How we did it
We used Motion Graphic design and Instagram features such as timeline posts & Stories.
Next to it there was a winner everyday which a computer picked out (to keep things fair & square)
We created a content strategy for 24 days up until the 1st of Christmas. The results? Within 30 days time we managed to increase the engagement with the following results

927 Comments πŸ’¬
On average: 38,63
24 timeline posts

1,388 Likes πŸ’œ
On average: 57,83
24x timeline posts

And above all: A happy community!

It was so nice to collaborate on this with Tim. The 24-day advent calendar has been a success. We received many positive responses by our followers. A fun and positive way to boost our Instagram page!

Lisa Vogel – Social Media Specialist